[Photo left to right: Anthony, Tamara and Ola hold their ILA employee recognition awards February 18]
As part of our culture of caring, not only for Individuals and families but also for our employees, ILA proudly reintroduced the Employee Recognition Program with the goal of acknowledging and honoring our exemplary team members.
Each month ILA honors two exceptional employees bestowing The Circle of Excellence award. One award goes to a staff member from Staten Island and Manhattan, and one from Brooklyn and Queens. A third award goes to an administrator for Outstanding Leadership. The criteria utilized by a newly formed Human Resources Peer Committee is “Credibility, Respect, Fellowship, Work Commitment, and Dedication.”
On a monthly basis, supervisory personnel presents to the Committee a summary identifying why a certain employee should receive an award. To be eligible, the employee must be active for six months or longer can be part-time or full-time staff and must be in good standing. An employee can receive the award only once per year. The due date for nominations submitted to the Director of Human Resources is the 27th of each month and the winners are announced the first week of the following month. Awardees are presented with a plaque, a monetary gift, and lunch with the Executive Director and senior-level administrators.
The first luncheon ceremony of the newly reintroduced program was held on Tuesday, February 18, 2020 at the main offices of ILA in Brooklyn. Frank De Lucia, ILA’s Chief Financial Officer/Deputy Executive Director presented the Circle of Excellence awards to Mrs. Olawunmi “Ola” Oluokun, Direct Support Professional, Fort Hamilton IRA in Brooklyn and Anthony Quattrocchi, Direct Support Professional, Albourne Avenue IRA in Staten Island. The Outstanding Leadership Award was presented to Tamara Rowe, Assistant Residence Supervisor, Mulrooney Manor in Brooklyn.
“This program of employee recognition not only gives thanks to the accomplishments of these exceptional hard-working staff but also gives the administration the opportunity to discuss the many challenges to the field of working with developmentally and intellectually disabled individuals,” said Arthur Palevsky, ILA’s Executive Director. “It is one way of thanking our staff for their outstanding dedication to what they do.”
Many thanks to Tanya Dinkins, the Manager of Administrative Services for being the spark of this program, to Tisha Jones, Director of Human Resources and to Amanda Villaces, Human Resources Manager for designing and coordinating the process of nominations and selections.
ILA is grateful for all our employees, the stars of our team who shine and inspire us every single day.